Saturday, September 16, 2006

All Together Now

UCC Blogger Chuck Currie, blogged about (against) Prosperity theology and its coverage in the media this week, linking to Growing Church Begins New Era, in The Oregonian, and a quoting a report released by the Associated Baptist Press: National Baptist Speakers Criticize Prosperity Gospel, 'Seeker' Churches.

Christianity Today's Weblog is also covering the issue, and provides links to related articles.
  • When I find myself agreeing with Chuck Currie, it takes me a moment to process it.
  • When I find Chuck Currie agreeing with a former (albeit moderate) President of the SBC, as well as with Rick Warren, Ben Witherington and CT's Collin Hansen and Ted Olsen, who are all agreeing with Jim Wallis. I raise my eyebrows.
  • When I agree with all of them, I pinch myself.

If Borg, Spong, et alia add their voices to the chorus, it wouldn't surprise me at this point, if they were singing multi-part harmony with the Rev. Billy Graham. Whatever. I think I need smelling salts.

Do they still make smelling salts?

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